

安德里亚·卡朋扎诺,马提奥·奥利维提,Milena Mancini,卢卡·津加雷蒂,Michela De Rossi,马西米利亚诺·托尔托拉,Giordano De Plano,Yan Lovga,Nicole Centanni,Walter Toschi,Andrea Di Casa,Demetra Bellina,Maristella Burchietti,Tania Orlandi,Claudio Graziano









海兔影院(www.haituw.com)第一时间为您提供《足够的土地》的免费在线观看,足够的土地是由 达米亚诺·迪诺森佐,法比欧·迪诺森佐导演,安德里亚·卡朋扎诺,马提奥·奥利维提,Milena Mancini,卢卡·津加雷蒂,Michela De Rossi,马西米利亚诺·托尔托拉,Giordano De Plano,Yan Lovga,Nicole Centanni,Walter Toschi,Andrea Di Casa,Demetra Bellina,Maristella Burchietti,Tania Orlandi,Claudio Graziano等领衔主演,本片(剧)上映于 2018,对白语言为 意大利语,属于 犯罪 类型, 敬请知悉。最后,祝您观影愉快!以下为剧情简介:

Winner of Best First Film at the 2018 Nastri d’Argento Awards, Boys Cry is a pulse-pounding crime thriller set on the outskirts of Rome. There, teenage best friends Mirko and Manolo spend their days in school and their nights delivering pizza. The clueless teenagers dream of a better life filled with money and women. Not that they have much chance getting there on their meagre delivery boy wages. Commiserating about their prospects one night while driving the streets of Rome, the boys are involved in a fateful hit-and-run. Word of the accident earns the pair an introduction and a first assignment with the local Mafia. But while Manolo’s opportunistic father encourages his reluctant son to claim the glory and the rewards for himself, it’s Mirko who takes to the work with ease, testing the boys’ unshakeable bond. Premiering to critical acclaim at the Berlin International Film Festival’s Panorama section, a space reserved for films that showcase artistic vision and new cinematic directions, Boys Cry masterfully captures the unease, shifting allegiances, moral questioning and overwhelming sense of inescapability of life in Rome’s underworld.

《男孩哭泣》(Boys Cry)是2018年纳斯特里阿根托奖(Nastri d’Argento Awards)最佳首部影片的得主,这部惊险的犯罪惊悚片发生在罗马郊区。在那里,十几岁的好朋友米尔科和马诺洛白天上学,晚上送披萨。无知的青少年梦想着拥有一个充满金钱和女人的更好的生活。并不是说他们有太多的机会用他们微薄的送货员工资到达那里。一天晚上,他们在罗马街头开车,对自己的前途表示同情,他们卷入了一场致命的肇事逃逸事件。事故的消息使两人获得了介绍和当地黑手党的第一份任务。但是,尽管马诺洛机会主义的父亲鼓励他不情愿的儿子为自己争取荣誉和回报,但米尔科却轻松地接受了工作,考验着两个孩子之间牢不可破的联系。在柏林国际电影节(Berlin International Film Festival’s Panorama)首映,获得了评论界的一致好评。该片专为展示艺术视野和新的电影方向的电影保留了空间。Boys Cry巧妙地捕捉到了罗马黑社会的不安、忠诚、道德质疑和无法逃避的生活感。

更新时间:2020-09-09 17:55:16 / 热度:0°C